A poem of the history of the new world and hope for its future by Juan Antonio Corretjer, put to music by Roy Brown.  This video is hard to watch but a must see to understand the soul of Boricuas (Puerto Ricans).

This is the original poem that has more text than the song.

Oubao-Moin (Rio de Sangre, River of Blood)

El río de Corozal, el de la leyenda dorada. (The river Corozal, the one of the Dorado legend.)
La corriente arrastra oro. La corriente está ensangrentada. (The current is filled with gold.  The current is stained with blood)
El Río Manatuabón tiene la leyenda dorada. (The river Manatuabón has the Dorado legend.)
La corriente arrastra oro. La corriente está ensangrentada. (The current is filled with gold.  The current is stained with blood)
El rio Cibuco escribe su nombre con letra dorada. (The river Cibuco writes its name with golden letters.)
La corriente arrastra oro. La corriente está ensangrentada.(The current is filled with gold.  The current is stained with blood)
Allí se inventó un criadero. Allí el quinto se pagaba. (A nursery was invented there. The quinto (tithe) was paid there)
La tierra era de oro. La tierra está ensangrentada. (The land was of gold. The land is stained with blood.)
En donde hundió la arboleda su raíz en tierra dorada, (Where the trees sank their roots in the golden land)
allí las ramas chorrean sangre. La arboleda está ensangrentada. (There the branches drip blood. The trees are stained with blood)
Donde dobló la frente india, bien sea tierra, bien sea agua, (Where the Indian head bowed, good was the earth, good was the water)
bajo el peso de la cadena, entre los hierros de la ergástula,  (under the weight of the chain, between the irons of the deep dark prison)
allí la tierra hiede a sangre y el agua está ensangrentada. (there the earth stinks of blood and the water is stained with blood.)
Donde el negro quebró sus hombros, bien sea tierra o sea agua, (Where the black man broke his shoulders, good was the earth or water
y su cuerpo marcó el carimbo y abrió el látigo su espalda, (and his body marked the time of the carimbo drum, and the whip opened his back)
allí la tierra hiede a sangre y el agua está ensangrentada. (there the earth stinks of blood and the water is stained with blood.)
Donde el blanco pobre ha sufrido los horrores de la peonada, (where the poor white man suffers the horrors of being a peon)
bajo el machete del mayoral y la libreta de jornada (under the machete of the foreman and the daily ledger book)
y el abuso del señorito, allí sea tierra o allí sea agua, (and the abuse of the lord, there is land or there is water)
allí la tierra está maldita y corre el agua envenenada. (there the land is cursed and the poisoned water runs)

Gloria a esas manos aborígenes porque trabajaban. (Glory to those aboriginal hands because they labored)
Gloria a esas manos negras porque trabajaban. (Glory to those black hands because they labored)
Gloria a esas manos blancas porque trabajaban. (Glory to those white hands because they labored)
De entre esas manos indias, negras, blancas, (From within those indian, black and white hands)
de entre esas manos nos salió la patria. (from within hands out came our country.)
Gloria a las manos que la mina excavaran. (Glory to the hands that excavates the mine)
Gloria a las manos que el ganado cuidaran. (Glory to the hands that takes care of the cattle)
Gloria a las manos que el tabaco, que la caña y el café sembraran. (Glory to the hands that plant the tobacco, sugar and coffee)
Gloria a las manos que los pastos talaran. (Glory to the hands that cuts down the grass.)
Gloria a las manos que los bosques clarearan. (Glory to the hands that clears the forests)
Gloria a las manos que los ríos y los caños y los mares bogaran. (Glory to the hands that the rivers, the pipes and the seas row)
Gloria a las manos que los caminos trabajaran. (Glory to the hands that work the roads)
Gloria a las manos que las casas levantaran. (Glory to the hands that construct homes)
Gloria a las manos que las ruedas giraran. (Glory to the hands that the wheels turn about)
Gloria a las manos que las carreteras y los coches llevaran. (Glory to the hands that the roads and cars carry.)
Gloria a las manos que las mulas y caballos ensillaran y desensillaran. (Glory to the hands that saddles and unsaddles the mules and horses)
Gloria a las manos que los hatos de cabras pastaran. (Glory to the hands that graze the herds of goats)
Gloria a las manos que cuidaron de las piaras. (Glory to the hands that take care of the chirps of little birds)
Gloria a las manos que las gallinas, los pavos y los patos criaran.(Glory to the hands that raise the chickens, turkeys and ducks)
Gloria a todas las manos de todos los hombres y mujeres que trabajaron. (Glory to all the hands of all the men and women who worked)
Porque ellas la patria amasaran.  (Because they are building the nation)
Y gloria a las manos, a todas las manos que hoy trabajan (And glory to the hands,  to all the hands that work today)
porque ellas constuyen y saldrá de ellas la nueva patria liberada. (Because they construct and from them will come the liberated nation)
¡La patria de todas las manos que trabajan! (The nation of all the hands that work!)
Para ellas y para su patria, ¡Alabanza!, ¡Alabanza! (For them and for their nation, Praise! Praise!)